Students at Our Lady of Hope continue to keep business as usual (as usual as we all can with distance learning). Learning from home means no uniforms, no classrooms and not seeing friends and teachers in person. Students may enjoy not wearing their uniforms, but learning outside of the classroom presents a world of new possibilities along with some challenges.
The constant interaction and sharing of pictures and videos helps each day, turning them into good days. Students of all ages learn in different ways, but visual learning and visual presentations of what they have learned is more important now than ever.
We’re proud of our students who:
Make an art project out the Hail Mary so they can better remember it.
Make bird houses (which teaches them how things are made and how they work and make their yard look nice).
Share with us their workspace.
Share with us praying at home.
Share with us what they’re reading at home.
Continue to share how you learn at home!